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Using XML in BlockSim and Lambda Predict

In BlockSim and Lambda Predict, you have the option to use XML (extensible markup language) files to import or export system configuration data and item properties. XML files can be used to transfer data to/from other applications or database systems.

In BlockSim, the XML files include the block properties and information about how the blocks are connected in a reliability block diagram or fault tree diagram. They do not include visual aspects such as diagram style settings, block style settings, etc. BlockSim supports both import and export via XML.

In Lambda Predict, the XML files include the structure of the system hierarchy in a prediction folio and some of the item properties. Lambda Predict supports export to XML.

Exporting to XML

To create an XML file, first open the project and then choose Project > Management > Import/Export > Export.

In the wizard, choose Other file and click OK.

Specify the desired pathname/filename and click Save. This will export the relevant information for all of the diagrams or prediction folios in the current project. Other project items (such as event analysis flowcharts, plots, attachments, etc.) are not included.

Importing from XML

There are two ways to import from an XML file.

If you want to import to a new project in a new standard database:

  1. Choose File > Open Database.

  2. Browse for the file and click Open.

If you want to import to a selected project in an existing standard database or enterprise database:

  1. Create a new project or open an existing project that you want to import into.

  2. Choose Project > Management > Import/Export > Import.

    In the wizard, choose Other file and click OK.

  3. Browse for the file and click Open.

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