Using Diagram Skins

A diagram skin provides a quick and easy way to set (or reset) all of the settings in the Diagram Style window for a particular diagram.

Diagram skins are universal across all ReliaSoft applications. This means that a single skin can contain the appearance settings for all types of diagrams in BlockSim, Weibull++ and XFMEA/RCM++. However, you will only be able to see/modify the settings for the type of diagram that you are currently working with.

The universal skins are stored with a *.dskin extension at C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\ReliaSoft\Skins.  

In order to create, modify or manage the skins on your computer, you must first open a diagram then right-click and choose Diagram Style.

The commands that you will use are located in the lower-left corner of the window.

Select Skin

To apply an existing skin to the current diagram:

  1. Click the Select Skin (✓) icon.
  2. Choose a skin from the list and click OK. The name of the selected skin will be displayed in Skin field.
  3. Click OK to close the Diagram Style window and apply the relevant settings to the diagram.

If you don’t like the result, you can undo the action by pressing CTRL+Z, or simply return to the Diagram Style window and select a different skin.

Modifying or Creating a Skin

  1. Open a diagram that has the settings you want to reuse or create the diagram. Open the Diagram Style window.
  2. Make your changes. For details on the settings that can be changed, see the Diagram Style Settings.
  3. Click the Save as Skin (+) icon. Enter a name for the skin and click OK. If you specify a name that already exists, you’ll be asked to confirm that you want to replace the settings for this particular diagram type.

Note: Skin names cannot contain the following characters: < > | / \ ; ? : * or quotes. The names are not case sensitive.

You cannot modify the skins that are shipped with the software. Any changes that you make must be saved as new skins with their own names.

Skins are stored with a *.dskin extension in the Skins folder (C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\ReliaSoft\Skins).

Save as Skin

To use the settings in the current diagram to create a new skin, or to update an existing skin:

  1. Click the Save as Skin (+) icon.
  2. Enter a name for the skin and click OK. If you specify a name that already exists, you’ll be asked to confirm that you want to replace the settings in the existing skin for this particular diagram type. (The settings that are specific to other diagram types will remain unchanged.)

Manage Skins

To view or manage the skins that are available to use on your computer, click the Manage Skins () icon. From here you can:

  • Click Import to browse for *.dskin files in another location (e.g., skins that were created by another user or on a different computer) and copy them into the designated folder for your computer.

Tip: You can also copy/paste *.dskin files directly into the C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\ReliaSoft\Skins folder. However, they won’t appear in the skins list until you restart the application.

  • Select a skin and click Rename, then specify a new name. This will change the name of the *.dskin file in the designated folder for your computer.
  • Select a skin and click Delete. This will remove the *.dskin file from the designated folder on your computer and cannot be undone.
  • Click Set Defaults and then specify which skin will be used by default for each new diagram you create.

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