RBDs and Fault Trees
Analyses in BlockSim are based on two basic diagram types: reliability block
diagrams (RBDs) and fault trees.
These are both symbolic logic diagrams that can be applied to
analyze system reliability and related characteristics. Either
type can be configured as an analytical
diagram (which uses the
- Configuring and using blocks in RBDs, including:
- A visual guide to the blocks available for use in RBDs.
- Diagram configurations and constraints.
- Detailed information on each of the block types.
- Configuring and using blocks in fault trees, including:
- The relationship between RBDs and fault trees.
- A visual guide to the blocks available for use in fault trees.
- Diagram analysis considerations.
- Detailed information on each of the gate and event types.
- Using blocks in more than one location through mirroring.
- Viewing the details of the blocks and resources in the current diagram in the Block Details window.
- Finding blocks throughout the database using the Block Explorer.
- Performing calculations via the Quick Calculation Pad (QCP).
- Publishing fitted and analytical models, if desired.
- Building diagrams based on information from other ReliaSoft
applications, including:
- Importing items from analyses in either XFMEA/RCM++ or Lambda Predict in the current project and creating either fault trees or RBDs that reflect the items' reliability-wise relationships.
- Creating a fault tree based on one or more effects in analyses performed in other ReliaSoft applications in the current project.