PFS Diagram Plots
You can create and view plots for PFS
diagrams by clicking the Plot
icon located on the Simulation page of the control panel.
If you click the Plot
icon before the diagram has been simulated, you will be
prompted to simulate the diagram and then the data will be plotted
in the plot sheet. (Note that the Plot
icon on the Plot sheet control panel refreshes the plot. If data
or analysis settings have been changed since the diagram was last
simulated, you must resimulate the data before refreshing the
If you have excluded
any task types from the simulation, a count of the number
of excluded tasks will appear above the legend. To determine the
excluded task types, return to the Process Flow Simulation window.
You can add additional plot sheets to the diagram by right-clicking
the sheet index tabs at the bottom of the window and choosing
Insert Simulation Plot
on the shortcut menu. You can delete a plot sheet from the diagram
by selecting the plot sheet, right-clicking and choosing Delete Plot.
The plots available for PFS diagrams fall into five types:
- Cost shows
the system's cost over time. If there are costs associated
with crews and with spare part pools, these are also displayed.
Blocks plots display information about the individual blocks
that make up the system. To specify which blocks to include
in the plot, you can:
- Click Select Blocks
by Value to specify the number of blocks to show
in the plot. You can choose to show the blocks with the
largest values or the smallest values.
- Manually select blocks
in the Available Blocks
area of the control panel.
You can sort the list by clicking
the Sort List icon
to open the Sort List window.

Bar charts are always displayed in
descending order of value. The list order will not affect
this, except in cases where bars have equal values. For the
Block Up/Down plot, the order of the blocks in the plot corresponds
directly to the list order.
When you point to the Sort
List icon, a tooltip will appear that shows the current
selections in the Sort List window.
Blocks plots include:
- Costs shows
the cost of each block during the simulation.
- Downtime
shows the amount of time each block is down during the
- Expected Failures
shows the expected number of failures for each block during
the simulation.
- Expected Downing
Events shows the expected number of downing events
for each block during the simulation.
- Block Up/Down
shows each block's uptimes and downtimes over the course
of the simulation. Please note that Block Up/Down Plots
are designed for only one simulation (i.e., 1 must be
entered for the Number
of Simulations in the Process Flow Simulation window).
If you run multiple simulations, the plot shows the results
for the first simulation only.
Throughput plots display information about the flow through
the system during simulation. You will need to:
- In the Available
Flow Types area, select the flow types that you
want to include in the plot.
- In the Available
[Items] area of the control panel, select the tanks,
connectors, sources or sinks that you want to include
in the plot. You can sort the list by clicking the Sort List icon to open
the Sort List window.
For most of the throughput plots,
the list order also affects the order in which items are shown
in the plot legend and, therefore, line appearance settings
such as color, which are applied according to the order in
which they appear in the legend. The Total Mass plots are
bar charts, which are always displayed in descending order
of value. The list order will not affect this, except in cases
where bars have equal values.
When you point to the Sort
List icon, a tooltip will appear that shows the current
selections in the Sort List window.
Throughput plots include:
- Tank Level vs Time
shows the amount of mass in each tank over time.
- Connector Flow
Rate vs Time shows the flow rate through each connector
over time.
- Connector Cumulative
Mass Flow shows the cumulative mass that passed
through each connector over time.
- Connector Total
Mass Flow shows the total mass that passed through
each connector during the simulation.
- Source Flow Rate
vs Time shows the flow rate through each source
block over time.
- Source Cumulative
Mass Flow shows the cumulative mass that went through
each source block over time.
- Source Total Mass
Flow shows the total mass that went through each
source block during the simulation.
- Sink Flow Rate
vs Time shows the flow rate through each sink block
over time.
- Sink Cumulative
Mass Flow shows the cumulative mass that went through
each sink block over time.
- Sink Total Mass
Flow shows the total mass that went through each
sink block during the simulation.
plots display information about the crews that are used in
simulation of the system. These plots are available only if
your analysis includes maintenance tasks that use defined
To specify which crews to include in the plot, you can:
- Click Select
Crews by Value to specify the number of crews to
show in the plot. You can choose to show the crews with
the largest values or the smallest values.
- Manually select crews
in the Available Crews
area of the control panel. You can sort the list by clicking
the Sort List
icon to open the Sort List
Bar charts are always displayed in
descending order of value. The list order will not affect
this, except in cases where bars have equal values.
When you point to the Sort
List icon, a tooltip will appear that shows the current
selections in the Sort List window.
Crews plots include:
- Crew Accepted Calls
shows the total number of calls that each crew accepted
during the simulation time, indicated by bar size, and
the percentage of calls each crew accepted, indicated
by the colors shown in the legend. Point to a bar to view
the crew's name, percentage of calls accepted and number
of accepted calls.
- Crew Rejected Calls
shows the total number of calls that each crew rejected
during the simulation time, indicated by bar size, and
the percentage of calls each crew accepted, indicated
by the colors shown in the legend. Point to a bar to view
the crew's name, percentage of calls accepted and number
of rejected calls.
- Crew Costs
shows the costs incurred by each crew during the simulation
time, indicated by bar size, and the percentage of calls
each crew accepted, indicated by the colors shown in the
legend. Point to a bar to view the crew's name, percentage
of calls accepted and total costs.
- Crew Time Used
shows the amount of time used by each crew during the
simulation time, indicated by bar size, and the percentage
of calls each crew accepted, indicated by the colors shown
in the legend. Point to a bar to view the crew's name,
percentage of calls accepted and time used.
Part Pools Plots
part pools plots display information about the spare part
pools that are used in simulation of the system. These plots
are available only if your analysis includes maintenance tasks
that use defined spare part pools.
To specify which pools to include in the plot, you can:
- Click Select
Pools by Value to specify the number of pools to
show in the plot. You can choose to show the pools with
the largest values or the smallest values.
- Manually select pools
in the Available Pools
area of the control panel. You can sort the list by clicking
the Sort List
icon to open the Sort List
Bar charts are always displayed in
descending order of value. The list order will not affect
this, except in cases where bars have equal values.
When you point to the Sort
List icon, a tooltip will appear that shows the current
selections in the Sort List window.
Spare part pools plots include:
- Pool Average Stock
Level shows the average number of spare parts in
the pool during the simulation time. Point to a bar to
view the pool name and average stock level.
- Pool Items Dispensed
shows the average amount of spare parts dispensed during
the simulation time. Point to a bar to view the pool name
and number of items dispensed.
- Pool Average Time
to Dispense shows the average amount of time taken
to dispense items during the simulation time. Point to
a bar to view the pool name and average time to dispense
- Pool Rejected Calls
shows the average number of calls rejected by the pool
during the simulation time. Point to a bar to view the
pool name and number of rejected calls.
- Pool Emergency
Calls shows the average number of emergency restock
calls by the pool during the simulation time. Point to
a bar to view the pool name and number of emergency calls.
- Pool Costs
shows the average cost of the pools during the simulation
time. Point to a bar to view the pool name and pool cost.
- Pool Cost Per Item
shows the average cost of the items in each pool during
the simulation time. Point to a bar to view the pool name
and cost per item.
- Pool Events shows
events in the pools during the simulation time (e.g.,
when a pool is stocked, becomes empty, becomes overstocked
or rejects a call). Point to an event to view more information
about it.