My Portal
In all ReliaSoft desktop applications, My Portal provides quick access to messages, assigned actions and other information that may be of personal interest to you while working in the ReliaSoft application. (When you first activate the software, My Portal will be "docked" on the right side of the MDI and "unpinned." Move your mouse pointer over the tab to make the panel visible at any time. For other options, see Show, Tile, Dock and Pin Panels.)
If your organization chooses to implement a web-based SEP portal for an enterprise database, you can also access many of these same features — as well as selected metrics, reports and other details from specific analyses — from any web-enabled device.
- Use messages to communicate with other database users.
- Use actions to track specific assignments that need to be performed.
- Find out which users are currently connected to the database.
- View a summary of the project plan for the current project. (This is not applicable for MPC.)
We also provide a brief introduction to the SEP Web Portal.