Block Throughput

The Block Throughput worksheet for simulation diagrams displays the throughput for each block during the simulation time. The values shown are averages of the results of all of the simulations. This worksheet will appear in the Results Explorer only if you selected to run a throughput simulation on the Analysis Settings page of the diagram control panel.

Note: You can customize the order in which the blocks are displayed in the simulation results by right-clicking inside the diagram sheet and choosing Set Block Order on the shortcut menu. You will need to resimulate the diagram for the new block order to be shown in the results.

  • Block Name: The name of each block in the diagram.
  • Block Description: The description of each block in the diagram. This is displayed only if Show Block Description is selected on the ribbon.
  • Throughput: The total number of units that were processed/produced by each block during the simulation.
  • Throughput Importance: The relative importance of each block to the system throughput.
  • Excess Capacity: The additional number of units each block could have processed/produced during the simulation.
  • Backlog: The total number of backlogged units (i.e., units waiting to be processed/produced) for each block at the end of the simulation. This is based on whether the block can accept a backlog and how the backlog units were allocated, as specified in the Block Properties window.
  • Backlog Processed: The total number of units that were backlogged but eventually processed/produced by each block during the simulation.
  • Excess Backlog: The number of backlogged units that were rejected (i.e., not processed/produced) by each block during the simulation. Backlogged units will be rejected if the block has a limited backlog (i.e., a limit to the number of units that can be stored in the backlog).
  • Uptime Utilization: The percent of units the block actually produced/processed of what it could have processed/produced while it was up during the simulation. (i.e., the ratio of the block throughput and the block uptime capacity.)

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