Block Summary
The Block Summary worksheet for simulation diagrams displays a summary of the simulation results for each block. The values shown are averages of the results of all of the simulations.
Note: You can customize the order in which the blocks are displayed in the simulation results by right-clicking inside the diagram sheet and choosing Set Block Order on the shortcut menu. You will need to resimulate the diagram for the new block order to be shown in the results.
- Block Name: The name of each block in the diagram.
- Block Description: The description of each block in the diagram. This is displayed only if Show Block Description is selected on the ribbon.
- RS FCI: The ReliaSoft Failure Criticality Index for each block. This is a relative index showing the percentage of times that a failure of the block caused a system failure (i.e., the number of system failures caused by the block divided by the total number of system failures). Note that this relates only to failures; it does not include every event that could bring the system down (such as routine maintenance).
- RS DECI: The ReliaSoft Downing Event Criticality Index for each block. This is a relative index showing the percentage of times that a downing event of the block caused the system to go down (i.e., the number of system downing events caused by the block divided by the total number of system downing events).
- RS DTCI: The ReliaSoft Downtime Criticality Index for each block. This is a relative index showing the contribution of each block to the system's downtime (i.e., the system downtime caused by a particular block divided by the total system downtime).
- Mean Av. (All Events): The mean availability of all downing events for each block during the simulation.
- Mean Av. (w/o PM, OC & Insp.): The mean availability of all downing events for each block, not including preventive or inspection tasks, during the simulation.
- System Downing Events: The number of events for each block that caused the system to go down during the simulation.
- Block Downtime: The total amount of time that each block was down (i.e., not operational) during the simulation.
- Block Uptime: The total amount of time that each block was up (i.e., operational) during the simulation.
- Expected # of Failures: The total number of failures expected to occur during the simulation for each block.
- Failure Downtime: The total amount of time that each block was down (i.e., not operational) due to failures during the simulation.
- Expected # of OFF Events by Trigger: The total number of events where the block is turned off by state change triggers. An OFF event is not a failure but it may be included in system reliability calculations in versions prior to 2020.
- Off by Trigger Time: The total amount of time that each block spent off due to state change triggers during the simulation.
- For each of the four classes of tasks (i.e., corrective, preventive, on condition and inspection), the following information is presented with regard to tasks performed during the simulation time for each block:
- Number of [Task Class]: The total number of tasks of this class performed on the block during the simulation.
- [Task Class] Downtime: The total amount of time that the block was down (i.e., not operational) due to tasks of this class during the simulation.
- Throughput: The total number of units that were processed/produced by each block during the simulation time. The throughput will be calculated only if you selected to run a throughput simulation on the Analysis Settings page of the diagram control panel.
- Total Cost: The total cost for each block, which is based on the task, crew and spare part pool costs along with the block consequential costs, as defined in the Block Properties window.