Event Analysis Standard and Special Operators

The following operators can be used in expressions in event analysis flowchart blocks and event analysis resources. The standard operators are available for use in other locations, such as reports; special operators are reserved for use only in event analysis flowchart blocks and event analysis resources.

Standard Arithmetic Operator

Meaning (Example)

+ (plus sign)

Addition (3+3=6)

- (minus sign)

Subtraction (3–1=2)

Negation (–1)

* (asterisk)

Multiplication (3*3=9)

/ (forward slash)

Division (3/3=1)

% (percent sign)

Percent (20%=0.2)

^ (caret)

Exponentiation (3^2=9)


Event Analysis Special Arithmetic Operator

Meaning (Example)

\ (backward slash)

Returns the integer result of a division (11\2=5)

] (right bracket)

Modulus, remainder of the division 12]5=2

[ (left bracket)

n-th root (2[16=4, 3[64=4)

! (exclamation mark)

Factorial (3!=6)

# (number sign)

Logarithm (b#n where b is the base and n is the number, or 2#8=3)


Event Analysis Comparison Logic Operator

Meaning (Example)

True/false comparison operators return False=0, True=1

= (equal)

Equal (3=2 returns 0, 2=2 returns 1)

> (greater than sign)

Greater than (3>2 returns 1, 3<2 returns 0)

< (less than sign)

Less than (3<2 returns 0, 3>2 returns 1)

>= (greater than or equal to sign)

Greater than or equal to (3>=2 returns 1)

<= (less than or equal to sign)

Less than or equal to (3<=2 returns 0)

<> (not equal to sign)

Not equal to (2<>2 returns 0)

{ (left curly bracket)

Smallest of the two (3{2 returns 2)

} (right curly bracket)

Largest of the two (3}2 returns 3)

| (pipe)

OR (0|1 returns 1, 1|0 returns 1, 1|1 returns 1, 0|0 returns 0)

& (ampersand)

AND (0|1 returns 0, 1|0 returns 0, 1|1 returns 1, 0|0 returns 0)


Reserved Constants

Meaning (Example)


Return Pi to the precision used (3.141592654)


Return e to the precision used (2.718281828)


Reserved for Future Use

Meaning (Example)

? (question mark)

Reserved (10? returns 10)

' (apostrophe)

Reserved (10' returns 10)

" (quotation mark)

Reserved (10" returns 10)

: (colon)

Reserved (10:10 returns 10)