ReliaSoft Articles Archive


Test-Fix-Find-Test Data Reference Example

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This example validates the results for test-fix-find-test data in Weibull++ Reliability Growth data folios.

Reference Case

MIL-HDBK-189A, Section 7.5.2, pg. 206, 2009.

For this example, the following will be calculated:

  • Parameters of the Crow Extended model
  • Demonstrated MTBF (DMTBF)
  • BD mode parameters
  • Projected MTBF (PMTBF)


The following table shows the data.

Termination Time = 400 hours
Failure Time Classification Mode
0.7 BC1
3.7 BC1
13.2 BC1
15 BD1
17.6 BC2
25.3 BD2
47.5 BD3
54 BD4
54.5 BC3
56.4 BD5
63.6 A
72.2 BD5
99.2 BC4
99.6 BD6
100.3 BD7
102.5 A
112 BD8
112.2 BC5
120.9 BD2
121.9 BC6
125.5 BD9
133.4 BD10
151 BC7
163 BC8
164.7 BD9
174.5 BC9
177.4 BD10
191.6 BC10
192.7 BD11
213 A
244.8 A
249 BD12
250.8 A
260.1 BD1
263.5 BD8
271.1 A
274.7 BD6
282.8 BC11
285 BD13
304 BD9
315.4 BD4
317.1 A
320.6 A
324.5 BD12
324.9 BD10
342 BD5
350.2 BD3
355.2 BC12
364.6 BD10
364.9 A
366.3 BD2
373 BD8
379.4 BD14
389 BD15
394.9 A
395.2 BD16

BD Mode EF
1 0.67
2 0.72
3 0.77
4 0.77
5 0.77
6 0.87
7 0.92
8 0.50
9 0.85
10 0.89
11 0.70
12 0.63
13 0.64
14 0.72
15 0.69
16 0.46


The book has the following results:

  • Beta = 0.9103, Lambda = 0.2397
  • DMTBF = 7.84 hours
  • BD Mode Parameters: Beta = 0.7472, Lambda = 0.1820
  • PMTBF = 11.29 hours

Results in Weibull++

In Weibull++, the Crow Extended model with the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method was used to calculate the results.

  • The model parameters are:
MIL-HDBK-189A 7.5.2 Example Results.png

  • The PMTBF is 11.29 hours, as shown in the plot:
MIL-HDBK-189A 7.5.2 Example Plot.png