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Repairable Systems Analysis Reference Example

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This example validates the results for a repairable systems analysis in Weibull++ Reliability Growth data folios.

Reference Case

Crow, L.H., Reliability Analysis for Complex Repairable Systems, Reliability and Biometry: Statistical Analysis of Lifelength, pg. 385, 1974.

For this example, the Power Law model parameters will be calculated.


The following table shows the data.

Simulated Data for 3 Systems with End Time = 200 hours
System 1 System 2 System 3
4.3 0.1 8.4
4.4 5.6 32.4
10.2 18.6 44.7
23.5 19.5 48.4
23.8 24.2 50.6
26.4 26.7 73.6
74 45.1 98.7
77.1 45.8 112.2
92.1 72.7 129.8
197.2 75.7 136
98.6 195.8


The book has the following results:

Beta = 0.615, Lambda = 0.461

Results in Weibull++

Since and then the maximum likelihood estimates of and are given by:

The model parameters are:

Repairable SystemS SIAM Results.png