Managing Criticality Fields

Use the Criticality page to maintain the criticality fields that may appear in the Incident and/or Problem pages. Permissions required to access this page: Access Admin Tab and Manage Criticality.

To open the page, choose Admin > Configure > Criticality.


If your implementation has more than one entity, the criticality fields can be configured separately for each. The drop-down list at the top of the page determines which entity's criticality fields are currently displayed.

Using Criticality Fields

To calculate criticality metrics in the Incident and/or Problem page, configure all of the following:


  • Incident - Display Actual Criticality
  • Incident - Display Potential Criticality
  • Problem - Display Criticality

(See Managing Preferences.)

Criticality Fields and Lists

Customize the fields that are installed with XFRACAS and/or create new fields to meet your particular needs.

Criticality Formulas

Customize the formula that calculates the criticality for each record based on the user's selections in the criticality fields. (See Configuring Criticality Metrics.)

Adding, Editing, Deleting or Retiring Fields

The steps to add, edit, delete or retire a criticality field are similar to managing other types of fields in the Details page. (See Managing Details.)

Note that:

  • Criticality fields are automatically set to the "Select List, Administrative Controlled" field type. Use the Lists page to manage the options in the drop-down lists.
  • For incident criticality fields, the Section indicates whether the field is used to calculate the potential criticality or the actual criticality. This is not relevant for problem criticality fields.
  • The label under each field indicates the code that represents the field in the criticality metric formulas. For example, c2 = schedule, c3 = cost, etc.